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aerial booster

  • 1 aerial booster

    aerial booster Antennenverstärker m

    English-German dictionary of Electrical Engineering and Electronics > aerial booster

  • 2 aerial

    1. adjective
    1) (in the air) Luft-
    2) (atmospheric) atmosphärisch
    3) (Aeronaut.) Luft-
    2. noun
    Antenne, die
    * * *
    ['eəriəl] 1. noun
    ((American antenna) a wire or rod (or a set of these) able to send or receive radio waves etc: a television aerial.) die Antenne
    2. adjective
    (in or from the air: aerial photography.) Luft...
    * * *
    [ˈeəriəl, AM ˈeri-]
    I. adj attr, inv aus der Luft, Luft-
    \aerial bombardment [or bombing] /war[fare] Luftangriff m/-krieg m
    \aerial photograph [or view] Luftaufnahme f, Luftbild nt
    II. n Antenne f
    * * *
    1. n
    (esp Brit: antenna) Antenne f
    2. adj

    aerial barrage (air to ground)Bombardement nt; (ground to air) Flakfeuer nt

    aerial photograph or shotLuftbild nt, Luftaufnahme f

    aerial viewLuftbild nt, Luftansicht f

    in order to obtain an aerial view of the siteum das Gelände von der Luft aus zu betrachten

    * * *
    aerial [ˈeərıəl; US auch eıˈır-]
    A adj
    1. luftig, zur Luft gehörend, in der Luft lebend oder befindlich, hoch, Luft…:
    aerial advertising Luftwerbung f;
    aerial cableway ( oder railway, ropeway) (Draht)Seilbahn f;
    aerial ladder US Drehleiter f (der Feuerwehr);
    aerial root BOT Luftwurzel f
    2. aus Luft bestehend, leicht, flüchtig, ätherisch
    3. fig ätherisch:
    a) schemenhaft, wesenlos
    b) zart
    4. FLUG zu einem Flugzeug oder zum Fliegen gehörig, fliegerisch:
    aerial attack MIL Luft-, Fliegerangriff m;
    a) Luftsperr-, Flakfeuer n,
    b) Ballonsperre f;
    aerial battle MIL Luftschlacht f;
    aerial camera Luftbildkamera f;
    aerial combat MIL Luftkampf m, -gefecht n;
    aerial defence (US defense) MIL Luftabwehr f, -verteidigung f;
    aerial inspection Luftinspektion f;
    aerial map Luftbildkarte f;
    aerial mine MIL Luftmine f;
    aerial navigation Luftschifffahrt f;
    aerial photograph ( oder shot, view) Luftbild n;
    aerial sports pl Flugsport m
    5. TECH oberirdisch, Ober…, Frei…, Luft…:
    aerial cable Luftkabel n;
    aerial line, aerial wire ELEK Ober-, Freileitung f
    6. RADIO etc besonders Br Antennen…:
    aerial array Richtantennennetz n;
    aerial booster Antennenverstärker m;
    aerial gain Antennengewinn m;
    aerial mast Antennenmast m;
    aerial noise Antennenrauschen n;
    aerial power Antennenleistung f;
    aerial socket Antennenanschluss m
    B s besonders Br Antenne f
    * * *
    1. adjective
    1) (in the air) Luft-
    2) (atmospheric) atmosphärisch
    3) (Aeronaut.) Luft-
    2. noun
    Antenne, die
    * * *
    luftig adj. n.
    Antenne -n f.

    English-german dictionary > aerial

  • 3 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) igangsætter
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) forstærker
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) løfteraket
    * * *
    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) igangsætter
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) forstærker
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) løfteraket

    English-Danish dictionary > booster

  • 4 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) tónico, incentivo
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) elevador de voltaje
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) motor auxiliar de propulsión
    1 SMALLELECTRICITY/SMALL elevador nombre masculino de voltaje
    2 SMALLRADIO/SMALL repetidor nombre masculino
    3 SMALLTECHNICAL/SMALL motor nombre masculino auxiliar de propulsión
    booster injection SMALLMEDICINE/SMALL revacunación nombre femenino
    booster ['bu:stər] n
    1) supporter: partidario m, -ria f
    booster rocket : cohete m propulsor
    booster shot : vacuna f de refuerzo
    aumentador s.m.
    reforzador, -ora s.m.,f.
    'buːstər, 'buːstə(r)
    a) (Rad, Telec, TV) repetidor m
    b) ( Auto) booster m
    c) ( Med) booster (shot) (vacuna f de) refuerzo m
    1. N
    1) (=encouragement) estímulo m
    2) (TV, Rad) repetidor m
    3) (Elec) elevador m de tensión
    4) (Space) (also: booster rocket) cohete m secundario
    5) (Aer) impulsor m, impulsador m
    6) (Mech) aumentador m de presión
    7) (Med) dosis f inv de refuerzo or recuerdo

    booster injection Ndosis f inv de refuerzo or recuerdo, revacunación f

    booster rocket Ncohete m secundario

    booster seat N (for child) (asiento m) elevador m

    booster shot N= booster injection

    booster station N — (TV, Rad) repetidor m

    * * *
    ['buːstər, 'buːstə(r)]
    a) (Rad, Telec, TV) repetidor m
    b) ( Auto) booster m
    c) ( Med) booster (shot) (vacuna f de) refuerzo m

    English-spanish dictionary > booster

  • 5 booster


    booster [shot or injection] — Auffrischimpfung, die

    * * *
    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) die Förderung
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) die Verstärkung
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) die Startrakete
    * * *
    [ˈbu:stəʳ, AM -ɚ]
    1. (improvement) Verbesserung f
    to be a confidence/morale \booster das Selbstvertrauen/die Stimmung heben
    2. MED zusätzliche Dosis, Boosterdosis f fachspr
    a \booster vaccination [or ( fam) shot] eine Auffrischungsimpfung
    * * *
    1) (ELEC) Puffersatz m; (RAD) Zusatzverstärker m; (TV) Zusatzgleichrichter m; (COMPUT on cable) Zwischengenerator m; (AUT, = supercharger) Kompressor m; (for heating) Gebläse nt; (= booster rocket) Booster m; (for launching) Booster m, Startrakete f; (AVIAT) Hilfstriebwerk nt; (SPACE) Booster m, Zusatztriebwerk nt
    * * *
    1. Förderer m, Förderin f
    2. Preistreiber(in)
    3. besonders US umg Reklamemacher(in)
    4. TECH Verstärker m, Verstärkung f, Zusatz(aggregat) m(n)
    5. ELEK
    a) auch booster dynamo Zusatzdynamo m
    b) Servomotor m
    c) auch booster amplifier Zusatzverstärker m
    6. auch booster charge MIL, TECH Übertragungsladung f
    7. TECH Kompressor m
    8. auch booster pump TECH Förderpumpe f
    a) Antriebsaggregat n
    b) erste Stufe, Zündstufe f
    10. academic.ru/8230/booster_shot">booster shot
    11. mil Trägerrakete f
    12. besonders US sl ( besonders Laden)Dieb(in)
    * * *

    booster [shot or injection] — Auffrischimpfung, die

    English-german dictionary > booster

  • 6 booster

    ['buːstə(r)] 1.
    1) elettron. aut. booster m.
    2) med. (vaccination) richiamo m.
    3) (of rocket) booster m.
    modificatore [dose, injection] di richiamo, di rinforzo
    * * *
    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) incentivo
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) amplificatore
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) primo stadio
    * * *
    booster /ˈbu:stə(r)/
    1 (mecc.) booster; elevatore ( di pressione, ecc.); sovralimentatore
    4 (miss., = booster rocket) primo stadio; razzo vettore; razzo ausiliario
    5 (med.) richiamo; (= booster shot) iniezione di richiamo
    6 cosa che incoraggia; fonte di incoraggiamento: confidence booster, iniezione di fiducia; morale booster, cosa che tira su di morale
    ● (autom.) booster cushion, cuscino su cui far sedere un bambino ( perché possa usare la cintura di sicurezza) □ (autom.) booster seat, seggiolino ( per bambino) □ ( radio, TV) booster station, ripetitore; ritrasmettitore.
    * * *
    ['buːstə(r)] 1.
    1) elettron. aut. booster m.
    2) med. (vaccination) richiamo m.
    3) (of rocket) booster m.
    modificatore [dose, injection] di richiamo, di rinforzo

    English-Italian dictionary > booster

  • 7 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) igangsetter, forsterker; (vitamin)innsprøytning
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) forsterker; spenningsforhøyer
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) første trinn i en flertrinnsrakett
    subst. \/ˈbuːstə\/
    1) ( teknikk) hjelpemotor, servomotor, hjelpeanordning, servoanordning, tilleggsmaskin
    2) ( elektronikk) booster, forsterker
    3) ( jernbane) hjelpelokomotiv
    4) ( på romfartøy) startrakett
    5) utroper, reklamemann, forklaring: person som reklamerer
    6) velynder, talsmann
    7) (amer., slang) nasker, lommetyv, butikktyv
    8) ( også booster injection eller booster shot) forklaring: revaksinering for å styrke immuniteten

    English-Norwegian dictionary > booster

  • 8 booster

    n ( MED)
    zastrzyk m przypominający; (TV, ELEC) przetwornica f; (also: booster rocket) silnik m rakietowy pomocniczy
    * * *
    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) coś/ktoś podnoszący na duchu
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) wzmacniacz
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) dopalacz

    English-Polish dictionary > booster

  • 9 booster

    n. förstärkare; startraket; hjälpmotor; främjare, gynnare
    * * *
    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) kick, injektion
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) förstärkare, booster
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) startraket

    English-Swedish dictionary > booster

  • 10 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) hvatamaður; hvati
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) magnari
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) fyrsta þrep eldflaugar

    English-Icelandic dictionary > booster

  • 11 booster

    áruházi tolvaj, hírverő, reklámozó, reklámcsináló
    * * *
    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) ami feldob
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) erősítő
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) gyorsítórakéta

    English-Hungarian dictionary > booster

  • 12 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) incentivo
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) dínamo de reforço
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) foguete impulsionador
    * * *
    [b'u:stə] n 1 impulsionador, incentivador. 2 sl pessoa que furta pequenos itens em loja. 3 Electr dínamo de reforço. 4 substância que aumenta a efetividade de um medicamento.

    English-Portuguese dictionary > booster

  • 13 booster

    n. yükseltici; destek, yardım, yardımcı; propagandacı, amplifikatör, hız kazandırıcı (roket)
    * * *
    1. destekçi 2. güçlendirici
    * * *
    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) teşvik edici, destekleyici, yükseltici
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) yükselteç, yükseltici
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) ilk hareket motoru

    English-Turkish dictionary > booster

  • 14 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) okrepčilo
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) ojačevalec
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) lansirna raketa
    * * *
    dodatni dinamo; radijski ojačevalec; colloquially navdušen podpornik

    English-Slovenian dictionary > booster

  • 15 booster

    • varakone
    • ahdin
    • apulaite
    • tehostin (tekn)
    • tehonvahvistin
    • tehostin
    • tehostus
    • tehostin(elektroniikka)
    • kantoraketti
    • kiihdytin
    • lisä
    * * *
    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) kohottaja
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) tehostin
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) kantoraketti

    English-Finnish dictionary > booster

  • 16 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) atbalstītājs; piekritējs
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) pastiprinātājs
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) nesējraķete
    * * *
    dedzīgs piekritējs, atbalstītājs

    English-Latvian dictionary > booster

  • 17 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) ramstis, pastiprintojas
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) stiprintuvas
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) nešančioji raketa

    English-Lithuanian dictionary > booster

  • 18 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) podpora, povzbuzení
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) zesilovač
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) první stupeň rakety
    * * *
    • podpora
    • pomocný motor

    English-Czech dictionary > booster

  • 19 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) povzbudenie
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) zosilňovač
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) prvý stupeň rakety
    * * *
    • zdroj prídavnej energie
    • zlodej v obchodoch
    • zosilovac
    • retranslacná stanica
    • rozbuška
    • plniaci kompresor
    • pomocný parný stroj
    • podporovatel

    English-Slovak dictionary > booster

  • 20 booster

    1) (a person or thing that boosts: That was a real morale booster for me (= That made me feel more cheerful and optimistic).) susţinător
    2) (a device for increasing power, force etc: I've fixed a booster on the TV aerial to improve the signal.) amplificator
    3) (the first stage of a rocket that works by several stages.) rachetă de lansare

    English-Romanian dictionary > booster

См. также в других словарях:

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  • Glossary of firefighting equipment — Note: This list is incomplete. You can help Wikipedia by [http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Glossary of firefighting equipment action=edit adding to it] . 0 9 * 1 3/4 inch hose: see attack hose * 2 1/2 inch hose: see attack hose , supply… …   Wikipedia

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  • rocket and missile system — ▪ weapons system Introduction       any of a variety of weapons systems that deliver explosive warheads to their targets by means of rocket propulsion.       Rocket is a general term used broadly to describe a variety of jet propelled missiles… …   Universalium

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  • Charlotte Fire Department — Established August 1, 1887 Staffing Career Strength 256 (Daily) …   Wikipedia

  • Integrated reception system — An integrated reception system (IRS) provides broadcast signals from multiple sources (typically terrestrial television, FM radio, DAB digital radio and satellite TV) to multiple outlets, via a single aerial cluster and signal booster distributor …   Wikipedia

  • Marshall Space Flight Center — George C. Marshall Space Flight Center Aerial view of the test area at MSFC …   Wikipedia

  • Lockheed D-21 — D 21 The D 21 mounted on the back of the M 21. Note the intake cover on the drone, which was used on early flights. Role High …   Wikipedia

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